
AusAngels is the Canadian Distributor For The Australian Bush Flower Essences.

Ian White, Australian Bush Flower Essences (Introductory Video)

Ian White, founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences, is a naturopath whose grandmother and great grandmother were among the first white people to research the medicinal qualities of Australian plants.

What are Flower Essences?

Flower Essences work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the highest evolved part of the plant – the flowers.

Flower Essences work on an emotional level, harmonizing negative feelings and belief patterns held in the subconscious mind. By changing our thoughts and beliefs we can relieve stress, which can then ultimately assist in restoring our health. 

Flower Essences can improve the quality of life and bring us clarity, courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue our life goals and visions. Flower essences resolve upsets and distress in one’s life as well as helping us to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, fun and creativity.

See Ian White video on the History of Flower Essences for more details.

What makes Australian Bush Flower Essences Unique?

Australia, as well as being the first continent, has both the worlds oldest and highest number of flowering plants, displaying striking colour and powerful ancient forms. It is one of the most unpolluted countries and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

The Australian Bush Flower Essences tap into this power, strength and vitality and for this reason the remedies are unique, fast acting and are successfully used world wide. The Australian Aboriginals have used flowers to heal emotional imbalances and physical injuries for thousands of years. Flower essences were also used in Ancient Egypt.

Are Flower Essences safe and can anyone use them?

Flower Essences:

  • adjust to the needs of the individual taking them,
  • are completely natural,
  • perfectly safe, and
  • free from side effects.

It is not possible to overdose or cause harm when prescribing. If an inappropriate remedy is chosen, it simply will not work.  Flower Essences can be used by adults, children and animals as well.

How To Use Flower Essences?

The majority of the remedies should be used for a maximum of two weeks at a time. If at the end of that period it appears that the remedy has not totally resolved the problem, take a week’s break, then repeat or use a different Essence to address the issue.

Seven (7) drops (from dosage bottle) taken morning and night (on rising and retiring). Take for ten to fourteen days unless otherwise specified. This dosage is most effective and easy to remember.

See Ian Whites video on how to use the Australian Bush Flower Essences for more details.

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