AFI065: Christmas Bell

Christmas Bell Australian Bush Flower Essences Individual Stock Essence

Product Price CAN$ CAD18.50

Product Description

Ian White video on Christmas Bell essence.

Lack of abundance, sense of lack, poor stewardship of ones possessions.

Helps one to manifest their desired outcome, assists one with mastery of the physical plane.

Christmas Bell is an erect perennial herb which is frequently found in the Hawkesbury Sandstone country of NSW in the low open heaths or swamps. It grows up to 60cm high with a crowd of yellow tipped, red fused, tubed flowers at the top. Christmas Bells flowering time is from late December – hence its name – up until February. Christmas is the time of year associated with the joy of giving and receiving, not only of love, but also from the realm of the material too. This remedy assists one with mastery of the physical plane and with stewardship of ones possessions. It also helps one to manifest their desired outcomes and is extremely beneficial for anyone experiencing a sense of lack.

This essence is available in the following:

Abund Essence Drops.