Product Description
Negative Condition:
- Noisy mind
- Feeling busy
- Unsettled
- Overly sensitive to one’s environment
- Not wanting to miss anything
Positive Outcome:
- Peace and calm
- Winding down
- Serenity
- Relaxed
This remedy helps getting children, especially those who are always ‘on the go’, to wind down, become peaceful, calm, relaxed and get ready for bed. I’ve also added Essences to help protect these sensitive beings from picking up any negativity from their environments. Bottlebrush brings about serenity by allowing them to let go and surrender to the ‘land of nod’.
This combination is made from:
Angelsword, Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Crowea, and Fringed Violet.