AFM004: Sensuality Essence Mist

Sensuality Mist

Sensuality Essence Mist

Product Price CAN$ CAD24.00

Product Description

Encourages the ability to enjoy emotional intimacy, passion and sensual fulfilment.

Easy to use:
Just mist or spray into the air as required.

Negative Condition:

  • Fear of emotional & physical intimacy

Positive Outcome:

  • Encourages intimacy, passion & sensual fulfilment

We have blended high quality essential oils with our flower essences to give each mist a unique fragrance and help accentuate the positive aromatherapy benefits. The Sensuality space mist contains Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood and Rose oils. This blend has been designed specially to help create a mood of intimacy due to their distinct subtle properties.

Ylang Ylang is a renowned for its aphrodisiac qualities whilst Sandalwood assists with a sense of gentle intimacy. Rose oil opens the heart helping to spiritualise intimate relationships.

Contains these Bush Flower Essences: