AFD001: Emergency Combination Drops

Emergency Drops

Emergency Combination Drops

Product Price CAN$ CAD16.50

Product Description

Accidents, panic, fear, distress, physical injury, severe mental stress, trauma, terror, shock, and pain.

Courage, faith, stabilising, comforting, adaptability, ability to cope, calming.

The essence from the flowers enables a person to cope with all major and minor crises. This remedy is not intended to be a replacement for good medical diagnosis and treatment, but it will provide comfort until treatment is available. Administer this remedy every hour or more frequently if necessary until the person feels better. It can also be used topically or mixed into a cream. This combination is made from: Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose Of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew, and Waratah.

This essence is also available as:

Contains these Bush Flower Essences: