Illawarra Flame Tree

Illawarra Flame Tree Essence is for those who suffer from a great sense of rejection, or who feel ‘left out’. This rejection is deeply felt and is very agonising for the person. The Essence is also for self rejection, or for a person feeling apprehensive about a new experience e.g. parenthood, or where there is […]

Christmas Bell

Christmas is the time of year associated with the joy of giving and receiving, not only of love, but also from the realm of the material too. Christmas Bell Essence assists one with mastery of the physical plane and with stewardship of ones possessions. It also helps one to manifest their desired outcomes and is […]

Billy Goat Plum

Billy Goat Plum Essence is for feelings of shame, self disgust and self loathing. For those people who feel revolted and dirty about sex and feel unclean afterwards. It can also be for feelings of revulsion about other physical aspects such as acne, eczema, a large nose, etc. This essence is available in the following:Billy […]

Bush Iris

Bush Iris Essence helps open people up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher perceptions. It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone who has just started meditation or ‘conscious’ spiritual growth. This essence is available in the following: Bush Iris, Meditation […]


Boab Essence clears negative emotional and mental family patterns that are passed on from generation to generation. Boab can access and clear those core patterns and all the related ensuing beliefs. This Essence is very beneficial in helping those who have had experiences of abuse or prejudice from others. This essence is available in the […]


Jacaranda Essence is for people who dither, never completing things because they are constantly changing them. There is a fine distinction between Sundew and Jacaranda. Sundew deals with dreamers (the ‘space cadet’), whilst Jacaranda is for those who dither, are ‘all over the place’ and are always changing their mind. This essence is available in […]

Tall Yellowtop

Tall Yellowtop Essence is for alienation. There is no feeling of connection or sense of belonging to family, workplace, country, self, etc. Often as a consequence of this alienation the head, or intellect, takes over from the heart. This essence is available in the following:Tall Yellow Top, Adol Essence Drops


Waratah Essence is for the person who is going through the ‘black night of the soul’ and is in utter despair. It gives them the strength and courage to cope with their crisis and will bring their survival skills to the fore. This remedy will also enhance and amplify those skills. It is for emergencies […]

Mulla Mulla

Mulla Mulla Essence is for the personal recovery from the shattering experience of burns from heat or fire. This Essence reduces the negative effects of fire and the sun’s rays. It is for those with a fear of fire or flames (often from a past life). If this fear is unconscious it will often manifest […]